Archive for the ‘Erasmus’ Category

Hace bastante frío en Noruega

Thursday, March 27th, 2008

During the last week it has been quite cold here in Trondheim. We have reached -12ºC. Here is the proof.


Escuchame: “God Påske”

Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

Listen to me

Lytte meg: “God Påske”

Primera aurora en Trondheim

Wednesday, December 12th, 2007

(note: finally we got to make a picture of the Aurora)

I have just seen the Aurora borealis (northern light) for first time since I’m in Trondheim and I should say that I really love it. Moreover it had my favourite color electric green, and it was moving smoothly up and down. Finally we couldn’t take a picture of the northern light because it was always too dark, so, instead of that we have taken a picture of ourselves looking at the Aurora… and, it couldn’t be better.

Primera aurora vista en Moholt Trondheim

Primera aurora vista en Moholt Trondheim 2ª

Aurora vista

Aprende inglés (vete de erasmus)

Wednesday, November 28th, 2007

- (boss) Das hier ist mein Sektor, das hier ist das wichtigste Gerät des Küstenwächters, das Gerät [...], das Gerät Überlebensradar.

- (boat) Mayday, mayday!!, Hello can you hear us? can you hear us? [interference...] We are sinking, WE ARE SINKING.

- (novice coastguard) Allo, this is the german coast guard.

- (boat) We are sinking, WE ARE SINKING.

-(novice coastguard) What … are you… sinking about?

Mesa hasta arriba de nieve

Sunday, November 25th, 2007

Here is a picture I took to one of the tables with its chairs where you can make an estimation of the amount of snow that is there.

Mesa hasta arriba de nieve

Atardecer en Trondheim

Sunday, November 18th, 2007

Atardecer en Trondheim

Lechugas del mundo

Monday, November 12th, 2007

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.


Sunday, November 11th, 2007


Here we are, David, Thomas and me (from right to left) with our last creation, Frøsty, a snowman taller than any of us. It was quit impressive the sound we made with the snowball while we were pushing it.

Spot publicitario de la NTNU Trondheim

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

Cuando la gente me preguntaba por qué elegí Trondheim como destino Erasmus entre más de 1000 posibilidades no sabía muy bien que responder. Después de ver el spot publicitario ahora se que elegí la mejor opción.

Trondheim at night

Monday, October 29th, 2007

Trondheim at night