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Archive for April, 2008
Google Speaker Series: Inteligencia Amplificada
Tuesday, April 29th, 2008BUG 5930745: Nada de Oracle funciona.
Monday, April 28th, 2008Ok, everything is right, you have finished your application (with a huge effort) and is running ok in your local server. Now you try to deploy to the server and… “java.lang.NoSuchMethod exception”… “error 500″… Is it possible to know what kind of information is that in order to debug a failure? What is supposed to be done now?
Planet Moholt está en órbita
Thursday, April 24th, 2008Planet Moholt is officially orbiting since yesterday. The main purpose of this planet is to serve as a common point where international students in Trondheim can meet and share opinions and ideas.
“Locura masiva” figura en la Wikipedia como posible causa del fin del mundo.
Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008“Massive madness” figures on Spanish Wikipedia as possible cause for the end of the World. The strange thing is that in English is not present. Maybe Spanish are the only one who have realised the problem.
No tenéis ni idea, se escribe breathme aspires. (es un verbo irregular)
Monday, April 21st, 2008For those who where looking for something like the name of a singer in Google, I should say that you have no idea. Here I attach a list with the most common mistakes.
488941 britney spears
40134 brittany spears
36315 brittney spears
24342 britany spears
7331 britny spears
6633 briteny spears
2696 britteny spears
1807 briney spears
1635 brittny spears
1479 brintey spears
1479 britanny spears
1338 britiny spears
1211 britnet spears
1096 britiney spears
991 britaney spears
991 britnay spears
811 brithney spears
811 brtiney spears
664 birtney spears
664 brintney spears
664 briteney spears
601 bitney spears
601 brinty spears
544 brittaney spears
544 brittnay spears
364 britey spears
364 brittiny spears
329 brtney spears
269 bretney spears
269 britneys spears
244 britne spears
244 brytney spears
220 breatney spears
220 britiany spears
199 britnney spears
163 britnry spears
147 breatny spears
147 brittiney spears
147 britty spears
147 brotney spears
147 brutney spears
133 britteney spears
133 briyney spears
121 bittany spears
121 bridney spears
121 britainy spears
121 britmey spears
109 brietney spears
109 brithny spears
109 britni spears
109 brittant spears
Este blog cumple su primer año
Sunday, April 20th, 2008On April 17th one year ago I started this blog with the purpose of proving that I downloaded WordPress. Moreover it has been a place where I put my pictures, I talked about music, I gave some computer tips and much more…
Since then I have had more than 6700 visit, most of them interested in my ERASMUS experience in Trondheim. However I have to admit that my star product is the post about acer crystal eye webcam. There has been also some lost people interested in a kind of plectognato fish.
These visitors were from all over the world, as I could see from the visits map. Now this map has been cleared for the new period but I still conserve the map from the last period.
I hope to have even more visits and that all of the visitors find that interesting thing they are looking for.
Thanks all of you.
Italy vs Europe
Sunday, April 13th, 2008
Codigo fuente de Windows Vista robado
Tuesday, April 8th, 2008It seems that some source code has been stolen from Microsoft. Here is the main function of Windows Vista.
David, Elena, Aurora y yo (Foto de nosotros con la Aurora Boreal en Trondheim)
Monday, April 7th, 2008¡Feliz cumpleposting!
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008Happyposting to youu!
Happyposting to youu!
I have just realized that today I have reached 100 posts and soon (maybe due to some puppet manager) 450 comments. this blog is being of age.
There are currently 100 posts and 449 comments, contained within 17 categories and 4 tags.