Este blog cumple su primer año

On April 17th one year ago I started this blog with the purpose of proving that I downloaded WordPress. Moreover it has been a place where I put my pictures, I talked about music, I gave some computer tips and much more…

Since then I have had more than 6700 visit, most of them interested in my ERASMUS experience in Trondheim. However I have to admit that my star product is the post about acer crystal eye webcam. There has been also some lost people interested in a kind of plectognato fish.

These visitors were from all over the world, as I could see from the visits map. Now this map has been cleared for the new period but I still conserve the map from the last period.


I hope to have even more visits and that all of the visitors find that interesting thing they are looking for.

Thanks all of you.

4 Responses to “Este blog cumple su primer año”

  1. Enrique says:

    Feliz cumpleaños!

  2. Titiritero says:

    ¡Venga ya!

    ¿Quién es el que más comentarios ha dejado?

  3. Aprendiz de titiritero says:

    El titiritero y yo estamos disgustados, porque nos has ignorado en tu Post. La mayoría de las visitas han sido de mi maestro y mías, y no lo has tenido en cuenta.

  4. Alfredo says:

    Umm teneis razon, tengo que reconocer que el record de comentarios lo tiene el titiritero con diferencia, jajaj, pero en cuanto a visitas no creo que sean suyas a no ser que haya estado viajando (las visitas desde fuera de españa superan a las de dentro)

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